Friday, January 28, 2011

Obama Want US To Better Compete With World, Woman Arrested For Trying To Better Her Children's Education And Blacks Segregated At Highschool, Suicide Bomber Recieves Text Early, Spicy White Castle Dip Recipe, Drug Smugglers Try To Catapult Weed Over Border, Woman Hits Cop With Dildo In Self Defense, Vader Drawn In Typography, Crow Befriends Kitten, Original Kinect Fail

It is Friday everyone! That means the weekend, which also means party. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. I will still post blogs on weekends, this blog is just late because I was lazy all day. Enjoy your news!

Obama Urges US To Better Compete With The World

United States President Barack Obama made a State of the Union speech was a pitch to the country that they should try to be better than the rest of the world. His speech was mainly addressed to those independent voters, to get them inspired to reelect him in 2012. Obama talks about new tax breaks for small businesses, he singled out the entrepreneurs in the audience and praised them about how their innovation has given people the employment they have needed, he demanded tax reforms, and he read a list of things he wanted to do which were aimed at creating jobs. Through his entire speech,
in any topic he brought up, he said that America is falling behind. He even said, “Nations like China and India realized that with some changes of their own, they could compete in this  new world. And so they started educating their children earlier and longer, with greater emphasis on math and
science. They're investing in research and new technologies. Just recently, China became home to the world's largest private solar research facility, and the world's fastest computer.” He then went over the same things about education but this time he didn't mention India or China. I think he is just jealous that the United States isn't known for much, other then going to war for dumb reasons. I don't
know why but I just thought the fact that Obama wants the American people to better themselves to other countries standards. Why not work with other countries and bring more opinion and knowledge to the table? He also said he believes in “ the nation of Edison and the Wright brothers;  of Google and Facebook. In America, innovation doesn't just change our lives. It's how we make a living.”

Good Education For All Hard To Come By In The United States

In the United States, while Obama is trying to better the country, a mother is going to jail for lying about her place of residence because she wanted her daughters to go to a higher ranked, better school in the Copley Fairlawn district beside Akron. Kelley Williams-Bolar was convicted for her lies and said, "It's overwhelming. I'm exhausted. I did this for them, so there it is. I did this for them." She decided four years ago to send her daughters to the better school in Copley-Fairlawn but because it wasn't in here district, her children were unable to attend, even though her father lived in the district's boundaries. The school district accused Kelley of lying about her address, falsifying records, and even having her own father file false court papers to get around the education system. She said she did it for her children's safety and that she lived with her dad part-time. Since there is crime in the Akron
district she said she felt it was her duty to do something else Her children are no longer attending the school in the Copley-Fairlawn district and school officials said "she was cheating because he daughters received a quality education without paying taxes to fund it" and that "those dollars need to stay home with our students."

Another case of stupidity in the education system is Principal Bill Jimenez, of McCaskey East High School in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He created a scheme, and is defending it nonetheless, to separates black students from the rest and even goes further to break down the separated black students by separating them again in gender groups. Although this separation is only for six minutes each day and twenty minutes twice a month, this shouldn't be happening at all and it is drawing criticism for racial segregation. Mister Jimenez said "the school noticed that black students were not performing as well as other students, and that research had shown that same-race classes with strong same-race role models led to better academic results." He even admitted that no other students were divided by race but that academic results show that the school takes a different approach with their black students. The idea of the segregation came from Angela Tilghman, a school instruction coach and said that only a third of McCaskey's African-Americans scored "proficient or advanced" in reading on last year's Pennsylvania System of School Assessment tests. This is also compared with the sixty per cent of white students and forty-two per cent overall. Also, in the course of mathematics only twenty-seven per cent of the black students scored "proficient or advanced". Angela said that research shows that grouping the black students by could boost both academic success and self-esteem when led by a strong role model. Even though some students, staff and parents were against the segregation Bill Jimenez thought it was worth trying. Michael Mitchell, a teacher, hopes to inspire his black male students during their daily meetings and quoted Martin Luther King often: 'Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.' The teacher used the quote most recently when he found that some of his students were failing gym. He also said to the news, "They're all young. They're all strong. They're all athletic. But they're failing because they chose not

I am on the fence on this subject. I know you may think badly of me, but if the marks of students are increasing with this method is it entirely a bad thing to segregate them? In all honesty, I think that the segregation idea is dumb, if the school is having bad academic scores, try singling out the less intelligent as a whole, instead of race. It just isn't fair for the third of the black students who are achieving academic standards to be placed with the lower achieving ones.

Suicide Bomber Receives Text Message That Prematurely Blows Them Up

If there is one thing this day in age suicide bombers should know as a rule is to not give out their phone numbers on their wired-for-explosion cell phone. In Moscow on New Year's Eve a suicide bomber who intended to kill hundreds had her plans changed and life ended prematurely as she had gotten a text message earlier than expected. Russian security experts believe that the female bomber received a text message wishing her a happy new year and that potentially set off the bombs. Leader-Post reported the following: "Islamist terrorists in Russia often use mobile phones as detonators. The bomber’s handler, who is usually watching their charge, sends the bomber a text message in order to set off his or her explosive belt at the moment when it is thought they can inflict maximum casualties. The dead woman has not been identified, but her husband is apparently serving time in jail for being a member of a radical Islamist terror group." I am relieved that no one other than the bomber were injured or killed. My advice to suicide bombers is, keep your personal phone separate from your phone of terror.

Make It Yourself: Spicy White Caste Dip

Although there is no actual White Castle in Kansas City anymore, many supermarkets in the area sell boxes of their burgers which can be heated up in the microwave and then blended to make the "Spicy White Castle Dip". I am going to share with you the recipe for this interesting dip. Enjoy! For more recipes including White Castle burgers click here.


10 White Castle hamburgers
1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese
3 packets of White Castle Dusseldorf mustard
1/2 cup onion, finely chopped
9 ounces chunked hot pepper jack cheese
2/3 cup milk
2 tablespoons parsley flakes

Directions: Mix cream cheese and mustard together and spread on bottom of large, shallow serving dish; spread onions evenly on top. Put burgers in food processor until blended and spread over onions. Cut cheese into chunks, add milk and melt in microwave for one or two minutes. Stir until creamy. Pour cheese mixture over burgers. Sprinkle parsley flakes on top. Heat for 3-4 minutes in microwave or in conventional oven for 20 minutes. Serve with a large bag of tortilla chips.

Drug Smugglers Catapult Weed Over Border In Thoughts Of Not Getting Caught

It seems that the drug business is getting more advanced and is trying to find ways to smuggle weed across the United States/Mexico border without getting caught. The troops from the National Guard found a catapult in which the drug cartel is using to launch marijuana over the bordering fence. Video surveillance revealed people on the Mexican side of the border loading up a catapult that was eighty miles south of Tuscon, late Friday night. Border Patrol agents and the National Guard then contacted the authorities in Mexico who disrupted the launch. The smugglers avoided arrest but forty-five pounds of weed was found near the launch site. Here is a video:

Woman Hits Cop With Dildo In Self Defense

In Illinois, a woman is being accused of assaulting a police officer. With what weapon of choice? A dildo. She is saying she only picked it up to defend herself. Fifty-seven year-old Carolee Bildsten says she was arrested in November for allegedly hitting a cop with what is being quoted as "a clear, rigid feminine pleasure device". She had an interview with and told them, "I got a little bit
afraid. I got scared. And the only thing in my sock drawer  besides my socks and my cash was a dildo." Carolee Bildsten says the Gurnee Police Department and the press had the story
all wrong and gave her side of the story. She was having a meal and wine at Joe's Crab Shack on November 9th, but unlike the police reports indication she says she did not dine and dash. She "wanted to travel light" so she left her purse at home and didn't realize she had forgotten her credit card until after the meal. She said, "I sheepishly told the bartender that I  didn't have any money with me but that I lived nearby, so  I was going to run home and get money." She couldn't find a taxi so she began walking home and due to a broken food and her "intoxication" she tripped and fell. That is where police found her near the Six Flags amusement park. The officer told Carolee that she either had to pay the bill or face arrest and then he offered her a ride to her home to get the money for the restaurant. She says she got nervous when she got home due to reading an article about a local police officer who was convicted of sexual assault. She was counting her cash to make sure she took enough and then the officer walked into her bedroom and startled her. She grabbed her dildo in a "defensive move" but she insists that she did not assault the officer. I find it funny that because of a convicted
police officer of sexual assault, she go startled and used a dildo in self defense.

That is it for today, sorry again it took me so long to post tonight's blog. I kind of got lazy and held off writing it all day. I leave you with Darth Vader drawn by quotes of his, a cute pairing of a crow and kitten, and the Kinect video I was originally going to show you yesterday but couldn't find.

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