Monday, April 11, 2011

Norwegian Boy Saves Sister And Self From Moose Attack Using World Of Warcraft Skills, DICE Believes They Already Made A Game Better Than Call Of Duty, Seven Weird Food Fragrances, 50 Years In Space, Fight For Your Right: Revisited(Elijah Wood, Danny McBride, Seth Rogan, Orlando Bloom, Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Jack Black), FreddieW: Claymores

Hello everyone, today is Monday and it is the start to a new week. I didn’t get to go see Hop last night but I do promise a review on Arthur tomorrow night. Here is today’s news!

Norwegian Boy Saves Sister And Self From Moose Attack Using World Of Warcraft Skills

A twelve year old Norwegian, by the named of Hans Jorgen Olsen, saved his sister and his self from a moose attack because of skills that he picked up from playing World of Warcraft. When they trespassed into the territory of the moose it attacked them. Hans learned that he should first “taunt” the animal, so that it left his sister alone. Then he used the skill “feign death” to make the moose lose interest in him. This made the moose wander into the forest and the children ran home. This is an awesome article as it shows that not everything is lost when playing gaming. Sometimes even playing games is educational, parents should learn this.

DICE Believes They Already Made A Game Better Than Call Of Duty

The producer, Patrick Bach, over at DICE is known for his first-person shooter franchise Battlefield. It is such a successful game that he doesn’t think that much of Call Of Duty. He believes that Bad Company 2 did so well last year that it may be better than the latest Call of Duty games. did an interview with Patrick and asked why he thinks that the new Battlefield will be more successful than the Call Of Duty game. Patrick said: “Asking the community and the reviewers which was the better game (between Bad Company 2 and Black Ops), we had the higher score. So we've already built a better game in theory, but I think it's just based on the trust everyone has in DICE and in us building Battlefield games in general." He does not exactly think that the game will sell more than Call Of Duty, but he does think that it will be a better quality game. I actually agree with him. Call Of Duty lacks a lot of the mechanics that Battlefield contains. Mainly two different key areas, which are various vehicles and destructible environments.

Seven Weird Food Fragrances’s clutch has an article out showcasing the seven weirdest fragrances that are food related. Here are the pictures, and names in order, of those fragrances:

1. Stilton’s Stinky Bleu Cheese
2. Burger King’s “Flame”
3. Demeter’s Sushi-Scented Cologne
4. Axe “Dark Temptation” Chocolate Spray
5. Kaori Chocolate Perfume Paints
6. Demeter’s Cotton Candy Spray
7. Play-Doh Cologne

That’s it for today, here is a picture of how people on Earth have been in space for the last fifty years. For videos, I am going to reverse how I explain them. At the bottom is a video from FreddieW which I found amusing and well done called “Claymores.” Above that is a little trailer for what believe is a movie called Fight For Your Right: Revisited which is a movie which is based off the Beastie Boys. Some of the cast is as follows Elijah Wood, Danny McBride, Seth Rogan, Orlando Bloom, Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Jack Black.

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